Equine Bowen Therapy
Horses are not naturally symmetrical; they are all slightly left or right-handed and their lifestyle can affect their bodies. When we add a rider, this asymmetry can be made worse. Asymmetry and tension can increase the likelihood of injury and discomfort our horses if left untreated. Prevention is better than cure and Bowen helps to re-align the whole horse to prevent injury and discomfort.
Treating them with Bowen can help them be happier for as long as possible. Incorporating Bowen into your horse’s regular care management, just like you would your Farrier or Saddle fitter, can assist in assuring that your horse is comfortable.
Equine Bowen Therapy can help with almost anything, to name just a few examples:
Tight or sore back
Change in temperament
Refusing to jump
Bucking and rearing
Stiffness on one rein
Head Shaking
Tightness in shoulder
Recovery following an injury
Muscle Atrophy
Uneven or disunited gait
Changes in performance
Uneven wear of shoes or hoof
Tightness in the hind quarters
Digestive Problems
Adjusting to a new environment
Each treatment lasts approximately 1 hour. We will discuss the history of your horse. This will include your horse’s past and current use/work, past injuries, accidents, illness, lifestyle, and environment.
Assessing your horse to stand and in motion. I will ask you to walk and trot your horse on a hard surface in a straight line and then for some small turns and back steps. It is useful to see you horse lunged or ridden.
The treatment is best carried out in a clean stable, or in the environment where the horse is most relaxed and comfortable. They will need access to water during the treatment.
After the treatment I will provide you with a written report of my findings and offer follow up advice and support in conjunction with future sessions. In some cases, I may refer you to other professionals such as your vet, saddler, farrier, or trainer if I feel your horse requires their expertise. Where required, I look to work with other professionals to ensure the horse’s maximum comfort and care.
Please Note: It is a requirement to obtain veterinary permission before any therapist may treat an animal therefore your vet’s permission will be required before I treat your horse.